Sunday, June 28, 2009

Year 12 Modern - Speer and the Holocaust

Just a bit of extra info on is an article from Britain's Guardian newspaper, from 2007. It refers to his knowledge about the Holocaust.

"A newly discovered letter by Adolf Hitler's architect and armaments minister Albert Speer offers proof that he knew about the plans to exterminate the Jews, despite his repeated claims to the contrary.

Writing in 1971 to Hélène Jeanty, the widow of a Belgian resistance leader, Speer admitted that he had been at a conference where Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS and Gestapo, had unveiled plans to exterminate the Jews in what is known as the Posen speech. Speer's insistence that he had left before the end of the meeting, and had therefore known nothing about the Holocaust, probably spared him from execution after the Nuremberg trials at the end of the second world war.

It helped earn him the name of "the good Nazi" and the image of a genius architect who had misguidedly slipped into Nazi circles to further his career. Instead of facing death as many top Nazis did, Speer served 20 years in prison, mainly for using slave labour.

In the letter to Jeanty, written on December 23 1971, Speer wrote: "There is no doubt - I was present as Himmler announced on October 6 1943 that all Jews would be killed". He continued: "Who would believe me that I suppressed this, that it would have been easier to have written all of this in my memoirs?"

Speer, who died in London in 1981, denied knowing about the Holocaust in his best-selling 1969 book, Inside the Third Reich, as well as in lengthy interviews with the British author Gitta Sereny, who wrote a biography on him.

The letter is part of a collection of 100 between Speer and Mrs Jeanty, an author, written between 1971 and 1981, recently found in Britain. They are due to be auctioned at Bonhams, London, on March 27."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Year 12 Modern - Exam Advice

Modern History will have their next major assessment on Tuesday afternoon, in the double. The format will be as follows:

Time Allowed: 70 minutes

Part 1: 25 marks (35 minutes)
Essay question on Conflict in Europe, using 'assess' or 'evaluate'.

Assess = make a judgement of value
Explain = make a judgement based on criteria

So the question will ask you to make some sort of judgement about some aspect of the background to WW2. You should definitely revise the following points:
  • the dictatorships in Italy and Germany
  • the foreign policy actions of Mussolini (e.g. Abyssinia) and Hitler (LA-SCRAMCUP - League of Nations, Austrian coup, Saar plebiscite, Conscription, Rearmament, Anschluss, Munich Agreement, Czechoslovakia, USSR-Nazi Pact, Poland)
  • the failure of the League of Nations (especially in the Abyssinia crisis, and the Spanish Civil War)
  • the policy of appeasement, followed by Britain and France until 1939
  • the Nazi-Soviet Pact, signed in August 1939
I have provided some revision sites below.

Part 2: 25 marks (35 minutes)
25-mark question assessing/evaluating the life of Albert Speer

Make sure you know:
  • his personal background, and the main events in his life/career
  • his main achievements (as an architect, as Minister of Armaments, as a Nazi, as a repentant war criminal, as a historical figure)
  • his main failures
  • the major controversies about Speer: did he know about the Holocaust? To what extent did he use slave labour? Was he complicit in demolishing Jewish residences? Was he a willing Nazi, or a man thrust into an important position by Hitler? Was he really sorry for what he did? Did his work as Armaments Minister make the war last longer than it would have?
The key to this question is to have an opinion, as you will be making a judgement about Speer. Make sure you back your opinion up with real evidence!!

Revision Links:

Causes of WW2:

Albert Speer: (Video about Speer) (Audio interviews with Speer himself) (Speer's own sworn testimony at Nuremberg) (Short bio of Speer)

Year 12 Modern - Battle of Britain

Hi guys. Sorry there hasn't been much Modern stuff recently, the Ancient classes had their assessment this week, so the focus has been on their material. I will hopefully be putting some exam advice up for you tonight, ready for Tuesday. For the moment, though, here is the very detailed and well-produced documentary on the Battle of Britain. I reckon this whole series (Battlefield Britain) is worth watching just for fun!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Year 12 Ancient - Exam Advice

Year 12 Ancient students will have their next assessment on Wednesday, in the double lesson. As you know, the format is as follows:

Time Allowed: 70 minutes

Part 1: 25 marks (35 minutes)
Essay question on the Persian Wars, using 'assess' or 'explain'.

Assess = make a judgement of value
Explain = relate cause and effect, make the relationships between things evident, provide why and/or how

So the question will ask you to make some sort of judgement about some aspect of the Persian Wars. Make sure you know:
  • the causes and background of the conflict (persian expansion, Ionian Revolt)
  • the details of the six major battles
  • the contribution of Themistocles, Leonidas, Eurybiades, and Pausanias
  • why the Greeks won and the Persians lost (you can find a sample essay on this dot point here)
Part 2: 25 marks (35 minutes)
10-mark question on Xerxes' rise to prominence (spend about 15 minutes on this)
Make sure you know:
  • his family background
  • his career before becoming king
  • how he became king
15-mark question assessing his reign/career (spend about 20 minutes on this)
Make sure you know:
  • his achievements/failures as a builder/engineer, a religious leader, a warrior, an administrator, and as king
  • ancient and modern assessments of his reign
We will go through some practice questions on Tuesday. Any questions, send me an email. Good luck!

Year 12 Ancient/Modern - Polls Closed

Okay, so not many votes, but the results are still pretty clear this week...

All of you said that Hitler was to blame for starting WW2, but only 66% ascribed the complete blame to the Fuhrer.

88% of you believed that the Battle of Salamis was the turning point of the Persian pretty overwhelming.

New polls up soon!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Year 12 Ancient - Past Exam Questions: Xerxes and Persian Wars

I have created a Word document that has the HSC exam questions on Xerxes and the Persian Wars from the 2004-2007 papers. They should give you an idea of how the questions are worded, and what content area is tested. You can download or view it here.

As you can see, the breakdown is this:

Xerxes' relationships with Persians/non-Persians 2007
Xerxes' achievements as king 2007
How Xerxes became King 2006, 2004
Xerxes' attempts to expand Persia 2006, 2004
Xerxes' personal background 2005
Xerxes' building program 2005
Xerxes' impact on Greece and Persia 2005
Xerxes' influence in his lifetime 2004

Assess the importance of naval battles 2007
Assess the contribution of Miltiades and Leonidas 2006
Evaluate the contribution of Themistocles 2005
Assess the significance of two military events 2004

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Year 12 Ancient - Notes on Plataea and Mycale

You can access the class notes on Plataea and Mycale here. They are a bit brief but will serve as a foundation...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Year 12 Ancient - Xerxes PowerPoint

Hi folks. Here is the Xerxes PowerPoint from class. Make sure you look at the last four slides or so, as we didn't get to them the other day.

I will be posting some resources up soon to help you with your upcoming assessment...

You can also download it here.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Year 12 Ancient/Modern - Polls Closed

Here are this week's poll results:

For Ancient, 54% of you believe that Xerxes was a failure as a military commander; 27% each said that he was a great ruler, and that he was ifted in running domestic affairs. So you have not all been sucked in by the anti-Xerxes Greek sources!

For Modern, 40% of you asserted that the Allies should have gone to war with Hitler when he reoccupied the Rhineland; 30% each said they should have done so after he announced rearmament, or after he invaded Czechoslovakia. Based on that, none of you believe that the policy of appeasement should have been followed all the way to the invasion of Poland.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Year 12 Ancient - Salamis Documentary

Hi Salamis experts - here is the video we watched in class today, courtesy of the History Channel:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Year 12 Modern - D-Day Landings

Today is the 65th anniversary of the D-Day Landings, when 150,000 British, American and Canadian troops landed on 5 beaches in Normandy, in northern France. These landings saw the opening of a western front in the fight against Nazism, and within a year the German military machine had been crushed, and Hitler had committed suicide.

You can read this article on the BBC website, and from there you can find links to further information, maps and FAQs about the landings.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Year 12 Ancient - Aristotle on Sparta

Sorry to return to the topic of Sparta, but I am trying a small experiment: trying to establish if I can post word documents on google documents, and then see if you guys can access them. So here is an extract from Aristotle's On the Lacedaemonian Constitution, written around 340BC. I hope it works!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Year 12 Modern - WW2 Anniversaries

Some important anniversaries of events in World War Two are coming up in the next few days:

June 5th: 65th anniversary of the liberation of Rome (1944)

June 6th: 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings in France (1944)

June 22nd: 69th anniversary of the surrender of France (1940)
68th anniversary of the invasion of Russia (1941)

Keep an eye on the news for any stories about these events, especially the D-Day landings.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Year 12 Ancient/Modern - Poll Results

Here are the results of the latest polls:

62% of you thought that Persian expansionism was to blame for the Greco-Persian Wars


75% of you thought that Hitler's boldest foreign policy move was the recoccupation of the Rhineland.

New polls up soon.