Thursday, July 29, 2010

Delian League PowerPoint and Trial Exam Structure

Hi Guys!

It's been ages, I know. I suppose because all of the stuff went up last year, I haven't needed to update so much...

The Trial HSC will be held in Week 5. The format will be as follows:

5 minutes reading time
3 hrs writing time
4 sections (45 mins per section)
100 marks (25 marks per section)

Section 1: Pompeii. Multiple choice and short answer, using sources (15 marks). One extended response on conservation & reconstruction of the past (10 marks).

Section 2: Sparta. 4 or 5 questions, ranging from a 2-marker to a 10 or 12 marker. Focus on all aspects of Spartan society, government, and economy.

Section 3: Xerxes. One 10 mark question (describe/outline type) and one 15 mark question (explain/assess type). Could be on any aspect of his career or legacy.

Section 4: Greek World. One 25 mark question. You will be given two choices, one focusing on the Persian Wars, one on the Delian League era.

You should aim to write approx. one page per 10 marks.
Make sure you use the sources EXPLICITLY. That is, say things like, 'Source A shows that...' or 'As Source B tells us...'
The best exam prep you can do is to write practice responses. Access previous exams on the BOS web page.

Feel free to email me at so I can give you feedback on your writing.

The PP we did on the Delian League is below. You can download it directly here.

The Delian League