Saturday, April 4, 2009

Year 12 Ancient - Those Crazy Spartans

The jury is in: according to 60% of you, the weirdest thing about the Spartans was their penchant for exercising and dancing in the nude. The cheese-stealing ceremony got a few votes too. One thing is for certain - they were a pretty unique bunch.

New poll up soon.

Oh, and by the way - good luck in the half-yearly on Tuesday. Make sure you revise all of Pompeii, plus Spartan society/government/religion/women.


  1. Question! Is there any historical basis for the ephorate in 300 looking like mutants? And.. the inferior soldier, for that matter.

    And where the hell is the second king? & I love how the Delphic Oracle is a teenage girl on god knows what, and that the ehporate are all about the karneia, and the audience is left saying wtf?

    I started watching it today and was just... a huge dork and yet still too lazy to google it.

  2. No, Steph, absolutely no evidence for the ephors looking like grotesque monsters...

    ...and sadly, the second king is completely missing from the story.

    I'll be watching The 300 with my class at the end of the topic, with the aim of spotting all of the mistakes and exaggerations in the film. And there are a lot of them!
