Thursday, March 12, 2009

Year 12 Ancient - Practice Essay Questions

The best way to revise your work is to try writing a practice essay. This will stimulate your memory as well as help you hone your essay-writing skills. Below are two practice questions. I'd love you to try writing one, which you can email to me for comments/advice. Or you could do it the old-fashioned way and hand it to me in class...

1) Explain the importance of the army in Spartan society.

2) Explain how the Spartan system of government operated.


  1. Snap. Totally did not see this. The first one, on the importance of the army is from the 2007 HSC and is worth 12 marks. Is the other one also 12 marks?

    I was unsure what to include and how to correctly... elucidate the importance. If I said it was so they could reign in the helots, retain hegemony and inter-societal respect would that be correct?

  2. Yes, plus the army:
    -Ensured Sparta was immune from serious threats
    -Made Sparta the dominant Greek polis, certainly in the Peloponnese
    -Reinforced the myth of Spartan unity, invincibility and power
    -Maintained the Spartan social structure

    There's probably more, but as you can see: the army was paramount.
