Friday, March 20, 2009

Year 12 Ancient - Work While I'm Away

Hi folks. As you know, I am away for the first three days of next week. I will be back Thursday to help you with any queries regarding the half-yearly.

I have left textbook/booklet work for you on Spartan religion. The most important thing for you to do is add some depth to the general powerpoint we did, by reading the relevant chapters in the Antiquity 3 textbook, and your Sparta booklets. Take notes on the following areas in particular:

1) Apollo, Poseidon and Artemis Orthia
2) The myths of Lycurgus and the Dioscuri
3) The religious roles of Spartan kings
4) The Karneia, Gymnopaedia, and Hyankinthia
5) The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia, Amyklaion, and Menelaion
6) Funeral customs of Sparta

I will upload the powerpoint soon as well.

There will be a practice exam for you to do on Wednesday. Hand it in to be marked, and I will email you some comments before your half-yearly.

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