Monday, March 16, 2009

Year 12 Ancient/Modern - The Polls Have Closed!

Well, the results of the first Modern and Ancient blog polls are in. OK, not many of you voted, but I'm going to publish the results anyway...

In answer to the question,

What do you think was the major problem faced by the Weimar Republic?

44% of you thought it was economic collapse. 33% thought it was the humilation of Versailles. The rest thought it was uprisings by the Right.

And, in Ancient, in response to the question

Which class of Spartans would you like to have been born into?

The vast majority (60%) said the perioeci , possibly because they had few rights but equally few responsibilities. Next was Spartiates with 26 %. Helots and Inferiors got one vote each...though I can't figure out why.

There'll be new polls up soon, plus there's one on Lycurgus for you Ancient Historians to have a go at.

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