Monday, March 16, 2009

Year 12 Modern - Assessment Week 8

Modern Historians, your first assessment will be this Thursday, so we will be doing a spot of revision in class tomorrow. However, for your home study, here are some resources you could use:

Try your hand at some past HSC papers. The World War One sections are always at the beginning.

2007 paper 2007 source booklet
2006 paper

And finally, the relevant syllabus dot points. You may be tested on any or all of the points below.

World War One

1 War on the Western Front

the reasons for the stalemate on the Western Front

the nature of trench warfare and life in the trenches dealing with experiences of Allied and German soldiers

overview of strategies and tactics to break the stalemate including key battles: Verdun, the Somme, Passchendaele

changing attitudes of Allied and German soldiers to the war over time

2 The home fronts in Britain and Germany

total war and its social and economic impact on civilians in Britain and Germany

recruitment, conscription, censorship and propaganda in Britain and Germany

the variety of attitudes to the war and how they changed over time in Britain and Germany

the impact of the war on women’s lives and experiences in Britain

3 Turning points

impacts of the entry of the USA and of the Russian withdrawal

Ludendorff’s Spring Offensive and the Allied response

4 Allied Victory

events leading to the Armistice, 1918

reasons for the Allied victory and German collapse

the roles and differing goals of Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Wilson in creating the Treaty of Versailles

National Study: Germany

1 Weimar Republic

emergence of the Democratic Republic and the impact of the Treaty of Versailles

political, economic and social issues in the Weimar Republic to 1929

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